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An editorial in the “Wall Street Journal” says that America can win the war in Iraq if President Bush follows the example of Abraham Lincoln. As a result, Bush announced that he will free the slaves.



Not only that,  today Bush agreed to let General Motors name a line of luxury town-cars after him. 



A new report says that drug use is up among Baby Boomers but down among teenagers. Apparently this is because the Baby Boomers have gotten good at stealing their kids’ stash.



The new president of Mexico says that his biggest goal is to reach an immigration accord with the United States. The Mexican President said that his second biggest goal is get a job in Los Angeles.



In El Salvador, prison officials say they four inmates were found to have swallowed cellphones. The inmates say it’s hard to swallow a cellphone, but it’s better than the old days when they had to swallow a payphone.

Posted by guynico at 4:19 PM EDT
Updated: 09/07/06 4:21 PM EDT

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